ActiveSG Breaks Record for Longest Multisite Mass Workout Relay
Spanning 10 hours at 5 venues, ActiveSG breaks record for longest multisite mass workout relay during 10th anniversary celebrations. The celebration continues with free entry to swimming pools and gyms on the 10th of every month from May to December 2024.

ActiveSG fitness instructor Safiati Permadi leading a Zumba workout at Sengkang Sport Centre, one of the sites that participated in the Singapore Book of Records attempt. Photo: Sport Singapore
27 April 2024 – ActiveSG set a new Singapore record for the Longest Multisite Mass Workout Relay, spanning 10 hours across five sport centres, earlier today. Almost 3,000 participants joined in the record setting effort, which was organised as part of ActiveSG’s 10th Anniversary celebrations.
2 Beyond April’s celebration festivities, ActiveSG will open its swimming pools and gyms to all members of the public for free on the tenth of every month, from May to December 2024.
3 ActiveSG was launched in 2014 as Sport Singapore’s mass participation arm. It currently holds a membership base of 2.5 million. Since 2014, Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents who sign up for ActiveSG membership are given free $100 ActiveSG Credits that can be used to offset the cost of booking facilities and programmes.